Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 41 on Captiva

This morning we went to Ding Darling about 9:00am to check out the birds but was disappointed by the lack of birds to see.   It was very windy but sunny so we decided the birds were tucked away to get away from the winds.  We only saw about 4 or 5 White Pelicans instead of the usual crowd.  I did spot a Tri-Colored Heron feeding just as we leaving the drive.

For an early lunch,  I made tuna fish salad served with croissant roll and tomato on the porch.  We did some packing for our trip home before heading to the beach about 2:00.  It was a nice afternoon as the wind had died down.   The clouds moved in right before sunset blocking the view.

Dinner-Al grilled Harris Steaks, not Harry's (inside joke), and we served with Baked Potatoes and Chopped Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette.  Enjoyed with Blue Moon beer.

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