We drove over to Ft. Myer's this morning. Our first stop was Bunche Beach to see the skimmers who seem to be here this time of the year. Also spotted a great blue heron and many gulls. Even though it was only 8:30, there were also a lot of people setting up for a day at the beach. Nice view of the causeway from here. Then off to the car wash for a much needed cleaning. Then we made a stop at Tanager Outlet to shop for shoes for Al. We bought white shoes, sandals, white Polo hoodies, and Polo shorts for Al. Also took a quick look at an Arts and Crafts show in the parking lot.
We wanted to lunch at the Lighthouse Restaurant near the causeway but there was no space to eat outside so we drove back to Sanibel to the Thistle Lodge (Casa Ybel Resort)which we have not been to in several years. Al had reuben sandwich with fries and I had a wrap of crab and shrimp salad with fruit salad.
Late afternoon was spent at the beach. We saw a group of dolphins playing in the rooster tail behind the Sanibel Thriller (a diesel powered 55' motor yacht for touring) which sails by every afternoon. Great blue herons are starting to nest in a location by the beach high in an Australian Pine by the dunes. We observed the male heron in the nest doing what seemed to be a mating ritual stretching his neck while another great blue watched from a swaying branch. They both made sounds by clacking their bills together. After sunset, we had dinner again on the porch dining on yellowtail snapper, cheesy grits and salad. Started packing this evening for our trip home.
Great Blue Heron Nest
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