After our morning coffee and pastries, we headed out to Ding Darling Wildlife Drive about 8:30 hoping to see a few birds but not expecting too much because of the cool temperatures. The temp was in the 50's requiring long pants and a jacket this morning.
We did not see many birds, mostly Ibis feeding in groups throughout the drive. We did see one Yellow-Crowned Night Heron at a distance but no photo to show of him.
We planned to spend the rainy night watching the races at Northfield via the net but the races were cancelled because of the weather conditions. Too bad since Al had his picks all chosen.
We also planned to get a carryout from Lazy Flamingo for dinner to eat while watching the races, but that plan failed too because the LF was so busy with customers that they cut off carry out orders.
Luckily we had a Bertolli Frozen Dinner as a back up. I think it was Chicken Florentine & Farfalle.

Still it was better than a cold night in the North.