Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Day 25 on Captiva

Al had a massage at Tween Waters Spa this morning at 10:00.  I began to set up my new computer and learn how it works and downloaded some lost programs including Photoshop Elements and Photoshop Premiere (using  trials of the latest ones as of now), Silhouette Studio, Kindle, etc.  I spent some time catching up on blog posts but have a few days before I catch up with real time.

Today is a bit cool and cloudy....a good day to spend inside and catch up on laundry, etc.
Served lunch of chicken sandwiches with chips and iced tea.  For dinner we marinated a pork tenderloin for a few hours adapting Alton Brown's recipe using honey, lime juice, garlic powder, and other ingredients.  Al grilled the pork and I made couscous with olives, basil, and green onions and served a tomato salad with hot rolls.  The pork was very delicious and tender.

Note: My posts are a bit boring as we have not been busy with exciting activities.  I am writing several days at one time so I am keeping briefer than usual with minimum details.

As Sgt. Joe Friday said:  All we know are the facts.

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