We began today with coffee and later I set up Continental breakfast so everyone could eat what and when they wanted to. Had cereal, fresh fruit including bananas, blueberries, strawberries, oranges and grapefruit, juice, bagels,toast, and pastries. We then drove to Sanibel to shop at Periwinkle Place.
Just as we arrived , an EMS truck pulled in
....a large tree limb had fallen from a tall tree in the garden and landed on a woman walking with a baby in her arms. Fortunately the limb fell on the woman's back and missed hitting the child. She did not seemed to be seriously injured. While shopping, Cecilia found some items at Chico's which is the original store for this chain. We also bought more books by Christine Lemmon, local author from Sanibel and Cecilia found a sun bonnet for her grand daughter 1 year old Hannah, at Fresh Produce.
We were back home around 1:00 and lunched on tuna salad sandwiches with chips. Then we trekked over to the beach for sun and relaxation.
NOTE: Green flashes and green rays are optical phenomena that occur shortly after sunset or before sunrise, when a green spot is visible, usually for no more than a second or two, above the sun, or it may resemble a green ray shooting up from the sunset point. Green flashes are a group of phenomena stemming from different causes, and some are more common than others.