Monday, February 22, 2016

Day 24 on Captiva

Sunrise on the Bay
This morning began with a sunrise watch from the dock.  Armed with coffee and cameras we went to the dock before 7AM to capture the glorious sunrise and what a lovely one we had with a sky of clouds  and the sea of  water reflecting the rays.

What a beautiful way to begin the day!
I then headed down to the beach and collected a few shells.
We then decided to check out what was happening at Ding Darling and found the White Pelicans congregating  at the usual  places on the mud flats but first we spotted this Roseate Spoonbill.

Al was able to capture the pelicans flying in to join the group. 

A Wood Stork was feeding in front of the second group of pelicans.

 We saw a lot of Cormorants along with the pelicans.
We had a late breakfast of Bacon and Eggs with toast and juice.  Then we went to the pool for awhile but moved to the beach where the cool breeze was more enjoyable that the heat of the pool.
For dinner,  Al grilled Pompano to perfection and served simply with Lime Slices.  This went nicely with French Fries and a Green Salad.  Along with glasses of wine.

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