Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 15 on Captiva

Today is Valentine's Day!
This morning we exchanged Valentine's  Cards as we enjoyed our first cups of coffee.  We dressed warmly, at least by Florida standards, and headed for a walk through Bailey Tract, a favorite spot for birding.  May have been too cool for the birds as we did not see the usual number of birds and ducks.  We did spot some coots, moorhen, pied billed grebes, a pair of blue winged teals, tri-colored heron, little blue herons, and an Eastern Phoebe who was nice enough to pose for photos. As the morning warmed, several butterflies were seen.




After our 2 hour walk,  we stopped at Timbers Fish Market and bought beef filets, triple tail fish and shrimp for some meals including our Valentine dinner.   At home we walked out to the Bay and did some more birding and photographing .


 We had sandwiches and chips for lunch.  I then played with photos that we had taken in the morning.
Our traditional thing to do for Valentine's Day on the island is to stay in and dine and open a bottle of Champagne.   We began dinner with Shrimp Cocktails.  Al grilled some really delicious Beef Filets and I prepared Caesar Salad, Asparagus, and Baked Potatoes.  We enjoyed the meal with glasses of Champagne.  For dessert, we had Tiramisu with Strawberries and Coffee with Baileys.  
Of course we exchanged more Valentine cards.  We had a really lovely day this Valentine's.

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